Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spy Gadgets For Adults

Cool Spy Gadgets

As kids, most people have played the game "I Spy With My Little Eye" where one child would covertly pick an object within his view and his friend would guess what he had been looking at. Sometimes, the game would have been played with binoculars to make it more challenging. Perhaps it is with this auspicious beginning that stoked society's fascination with spies and their gadgets.

Let's face it, spy gadgets are just plain cool if it is true from what we can gauge in movies. While James Bond always gets useful toys to help him out in his missions, I'm sure what the real spies get are just as handy. They might not be as flashy but in real life, you don't want gadgets to be flashy. They will just draw attention to yourself and the last thing you want is your cover blown. You want your spy toys to be small and easy to hide while on your person or within the environment. And thankfully, there's a plethora of spy toys now available on the market to indulge your inner childhood fantasies.

Among the most popular gadgets available are spy pens, watches and sunglasses. These spy gadgets let you take pictures, record video and audio. Their original intended use as a writing tool, a time telling device, and a sun shield for the eyes all make them very practical in everyday life. In other words, these are very fashionable products as well as useful personal accessories which increase their likelihood of being used.

While it is fun to play the role of a spy, not many individuals actually have any covert operations they need to go on. Most people have pretty ordinary lives. If that is the case, can you justify shelling out money for these toys? The answer is yes for most people. These spy toys can double as memory sticks for their computers and memory sticks are always useful when you have files to transfer from computer to computer and the email system just can't handle it. Moreover, the camera and video recording capability are always welcome in social situations when a bulky camera is not available. You can also make use of the audio recording aspects of these gadgets to record some notes as reminders for another time.

While it is fun to indulge in childhood spy fantasies, there are very practical uses for spy gadgets as well.
Sasha Miller is a freelance writer for the home security industry. Visit the Spy Toy Store for deals on a hidden camera watch and spy pen DVRs.
Cool Spy Gadgets